Update #6 Electric Elevator Bottom Car Clearance (2.4.1)
The elevator is at rest on a fully compressed buffer.
The elevator is at rest on a fully compressed buffer but the buffer has been omitted for clarity.
The clearance between the pit floor and the lowest structural or mechanical part, equipment, or device (SMPED) installed beneath the car platform must be a minimum of 600 mm (24 in.) when the car is at rest on the fully compressed buffer ( Except...
If the SMPED is located entirely within one of the 300 mm (12 in.) "exception zones" ( it is allowed to have less than 600 mm (24 in.) of clearance but the SMPED must not strike any part of the pit or any equipment mounted therein ( And...
If the SMPED has a clearance of less than 600 mm (24 in.), the pit floor shall be provided with pit markings (
In no case shall the available refuge space be less than as described in, which is...
A horizontal area of 600 mm (24 in.) X 1 200 mm (48 in.) with a height of 600 mm (24 in.)
A horizontal area of 450 mm (18 in.) X 900 mm (35 in.) with a height of 1 070 mm (42 in.)
Pit markings shall consist of alternating 4" diagonal red and white stripes. A warning sign similar in design to the one displayed here is also required.
Pit markings are not required under the platform apron (toe guard) or guiding means unless another area of the pit requires markings - then these areas must be marked as well ( It is permissible to provide markings in any area of the pit except the refuge space. If you are confused about where to place the markings, mark the entire pit except the refuge space. If the inspector objects to your handiwork, have a can of white spray paint handy.
Trenches and depressions or foundation encroachments shall not be considered in determining these clearances (
The bottom car clearance and pit marking requirements are slightly different for hydraulic elevators (3.4.1).
E-mail Bob Desnoyers with your electric elevator bottom car clearance comments
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